Vi tilbyr også elektronisk gavekort som kan brukes i nettbutikken til billedkunstner Thea Kiær på Verdien kan brukes som betaling for fremtidige bestillinger i nettbutikken. Du mottar en e-post som inneholder en unik gavekortkode som du kan bruke i kassen for å innløse verdien.
Art by Thea Kiær
Sparkling Joy
Sparkling Joy
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Alcohol ink on canvas, 2021. 35x70cm.
Exclusive artwork by Thea Kiær.
Alcohol ink is a painting technique where I use ink and Antibac to create large and smaller paintings. The paintings on canvas have been given a thin glossy layer of epoxy resin for protection. The paintings in white glass frames are made on polypropylene paper.
NB: Paintings made in alcohol ink must never be placed in direct sunlight, as this can bleach the colours.